
Erick is an Industrial Engineer who has worked several years in a global company (part of CAC40), in IT and business transformation roles. He has been living in France since 2006 and has self-educated himself during all these years about personal finances. Erick is passionated about it and has provided support to multiple colleagues, family and friends on this topic.

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How to grow my money in France with low risk?

Having extra cash sitting in your french current account and concerned about inflation eating it slowly? Not willing to invest in risky options and wondering How grow my money in France with no risk? You are right to be concerned as you are slowly losing capital due to high inflation rates. 100€ of today will

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Is it now a good time to buy real estate in France?

Wondering if now is a good time to buy real estate in France? Even after the recent spike on mortgages interest rates from mid 2022? Are there any opportunities left?  It may sounds obvious the answer, but it is not.  We will analyze the actual context, opportunities and risk in the blog to give you some

Is it now a good time to buy real estate in France? Read More »

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How to diversify my portfolio?

 Are you wondering how to diversify your portfolio? it is a great question as it is key to minimize risk and volatility.  However, building a well diversified asset portfolio is not evident. How to start? How to do it avoiding falling into pitfalls and costly mistakes? Living in France, adds an additional context to be taken

How to diversify my portfolio? Read More »

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How to invest when living in France

How to invest when living in France? What are the investment options available for you? How to start? You may feel overwhelmed and scared about making wrong decisions, as the finance world like too complicated.   In reality, you just need to understand some basic concepts. We will be sharing a summary of what we hear from

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a man who become financially independent enjoying hiking a mountain in France

How to become Financially Independent in France?

Becoming financially independent in France? It is a common question after COVID pandemic made us think more about what we want to do with our lives.  Unfortunately, there are some ‘influencers’ taking profit of the situation and selling ‘magic secrets’ packed as trainings which are leading many to disappointment, and sometimes losing money. In the

How to become Financially Independent in France? Read More »

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What is PER Plan d’épargne retraite in France?

French government introduced back in 2019 the PER (Plan d’Épargne Retraite) in France as a complementary retirement savings plan. It is a measure targeting to support the retirement collective fund system. In this blog, we will give the key information on this topic that you need to know as an expat or foreigner living in France. Let’s start… Table

What is PER Plan d’épargne retraite in France? Read More »

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Investing in real estate crowdfunding in France

Investing in real estate crowdfunding in France (or crowdlending  ‘immobilière’) is getting exponentially popular in France during last years. Specially when interest rates were historically low, or negative, (before 2022) and investors were looking for alternatives to make their money grow.  Crowdfunding was answering this need to many. Even now, with higher interest rates, there

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tax return in France

Key points about Income Tax in France

Taxes anywhere in the world could be a complicated and annoying matter. Even though there has been a simplification during last years, France remains as one of EU countries with higher rate and complex tax rules. Do not worry, we will explain in this blog our understanding and key points about income tax in France.  Let’s

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Are my savings guaranteed in French banks?

Are my savings guaranteed in French banks? Are you concerned after all recent negatives news from bank failures? We have done some research and will explain in this blog what are those guarantees and how it works in case you need it.  Table of Contents Who guarantees my savings in French banks? The French government

Are my savings guaranteed in French banks? Read More »